The last frame of the One-shot shows Emma now in a red colored Bunny suite and serving tray with a sexy smile on her face suggesting she's likely adapted quickly and learned to enjoy her job after a time. Said tip is then taken by Nina soon after saying its a good start but Emma is a bit unsettled knowing she still has a long way to go. Emma takes their orders and gets a bit flirty and complimentary and is given a 20$ tip for it. There she greats and offers service to a couple (known to the audience as Yuzuki and Leon from Maker's Game) who are on a Vegas vacation from abroad for their 5 year anniversary. Emma then dawns the rest of her suite and goes out to work the floor. Nina insists that Cindy and likely other Casino Girls like her get used to being women after a few months and love it after a few more suggesting the same will happen to Emma, possibly even faster seeing as she already seems to enjoy her new body. By the time the transformation is complete Emma reluctantly accepts the conditions of the contract and agrees to cooperate. Emmett (now Emma) is still in shock but is quick to enjoy a bit of pleasure from her new body as it transforms. She also reveals she'll be living in the casino hotel rent free and next door to Cindy who is also a former man named Sid who is 18 months into her own Debt rehabilitation service. Emmett is at first shocked and in denial but Nina assures him its real and that the contract he signed entails that he (now she) will work as a casino girl for 2 years with all tips she earns going to paying off her debt. As soon as Emmett signs his name it is revealed that the contract is enchanted in some fashion and is quickly turning him into a busty woman and altering his clothing into a bunny suite. Seeing no better option Emmett signs the contract without reading it saying he'll "take the gamble". Nina makes him an offer for a debt rehabilitation service where Emmett will work for the Casino until his debt is paid off. Nina initially says she has to call the police for him defaulting on his debt but Emmett pleads that he'll do anything she wants so long as she doesn't send him to jail.

Nina tells Emmett he owes the Casino 45,000$ but Emmett admits he doesn't even have 5$. Emmett is met by Nina before he can leave and is called to her office to discuss an issue with his outrageous gambling debt and unpaid tab. He leaves angered but through an ear piece Cindy talks to the Casino Floor Manager Nina.

This casino is popular for Casino Gals in sexy bunny suites and while Emmett enjoys the attention Cindy gives him his mood quickly shifts when he looses his bet witch included his entire weeks salary. As the wheel spins he is approached by one of the service women named Cindy offering him a drink from the bar on tab but Emmett admits he already has a tab.

At a Vegas Casino a young man named Emmett places a bet at roulette table.